


Analysis of undrained non-isothermal shear behavior of pile-soil interface
WANG Xiaoqiang1,2,ZHANG Zhichao1,2,WANG Shuoyao1,2

1.School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, P. R. China;2. Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area of Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, P. R. China

geotechnical engineering;energy pile;saturated clay;consolidated undrained;shear behavior;rough⁃ness;temperature effect;over consolidation ratio(OCR)

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1249.2022.01013


In order to study the effects of interface roughness,temperature change and over consolidation ratio (OCR)on pile-soil interface shear strength,pore pressure response and volume change,the direct shear box was modified by strain direct shear instrument,and non isothermal consolidated undrained shear tests were carried out on smooth and rough concrete saturated clay interfaces respectively. The results show that when OCR≤3, decreasing OCR value,heating or cooling and increasing interface roughness can improve interface shear strength, pore water pressure is positive,and the pore pressure after heating or cooling is lower than that at room temperature. When OCR=6,the pore water pressure is negative,and dilatancy occurs in the shear process. On the contrary, heating or cooling will slightly reduce the shear strength of the interface. When OCR≤3,increasing the interface roughness and temperature will weaken the softening phenomenon of soil,and cooling will strengthen the softening phenomenon of soil. When OCR=6,the interfacial shear properties are basically unchanged. It means that the influence of interface roughness and temperature change on interface shear characteristics is significant only when the OCR value is small,and the influence can be basically ignored when the OCR value is large enough.