
南开大学党委网络安全和信息化办公室,天津 300071

教育信息化; 数据质量; 数据治理; 生态体系

Exploration on the construction of university data ecosystem
LIU Zhenchang, QU Shen, CHEN Shiming, WANG Pingyue, LIU Doudou, and ZHANG Sihai

Network Security and Information Office of Party Committee, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R.China

education informatization; data quality; data management; ecological system

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1249.2020.99139


随着教育信息化的逐步深入,数据已经成为保障学校信息化持续健康发展的最重要资产,数据质量的好坏直接影响着高校信息化未来发展的方方面面. 为提高数据质量,很多高校都开展了数据治理工作,但对于学校信息化发展步伐,数据治理的速度相对缓慢,无法完全满足各项工作对数据的要求. 针对该问题,南开大学因地制宜,积极探索改革,修订数据治理框架和技术路线,使数据治理及服务形成可持续发展的生态,解决了数据治理速度缓慢问题,实现了数据质量的快速提升.

With the gradual deepening of education informatization, data has become the most important asset to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of school informatization. The quality of data directly affects all aspects of the future development of university informatization. In order to improve the quality of data, many colleges and universities have carried out the work of data governance. However, compared with the pace of the development of school informatization, the speed of data governance is always relatively slow, which can not fully meet the requirements of various work on data. In view of this problem, Nankai University actively explores the reform and revises the data governance framework and technical route according to local conditions, so as to form a sustainable development ecology for data governance and services, solve the slow speed of data governance, and realize the rapid improvement of data quality.
