
1)深圳大学化学与环境工程学院,广东深圳 518060; 2)深圳市环境化学与生态修复重点实验室,广东深圳 518060

环境化学; 道路雨水径流; 苯系物; 累积负荷; 时空分布规律; 雨水回用

Temporal and spatial distributions of benzene series pollutants build-up on urban road surfaces
LIU An1,2, HONG Nian1,2, ZHONG Jie1, OU Guanting1, and YANG Bo1,2

1)College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, Guangdong Province, P.R.China2)Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecological Remediation, Shenzhen 518060, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

environmental chemistry; rainwater runoff; BTEXs; build-up loads; temporal and spatial distribution; rainwater reuse

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1249.2018.06590


以深圳市龙岗区横岗街道为研究对象,研究道路雨水的安全回收利用问题.选择典型城市功能区(商业区、工业区和居民区)、路段类型(普通路段和十字路口)以及3个加油站路段共计20个采样道路,利用真空干湿交替采集法,在春夏秋冬4个季节进行道路常见苯系物苯(benzene)、甲苯(toluene)、乙苯(ethylbenzene)及二甲苯(xylenes)(BTEX)累积样品的采样,采集到的样品用气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行苯系物的检测,对不同季节和路段类型的BTEX累积负荷进行比较,并通过聚类分析和主成分分析法解析道路交通和周边功能区特征对BTEX累积分布的影响.研究表明,对深圳城市道路BTEX来说,甲苯的平均累积负荷最高,随后依次为邻二甲苯、间二甲苯、乙苯、苯乙烯、对二甲苯和苯.从时间分布规律来看,冬季BTEX累积负荷最高,夏季最低; 从空间分布来看,加油站路段的BTEX年平均累积负荷最高,普通路段与十字路口段的BTEX年平均累积负荷相似; 从来源上看,苯、甲苯、乙苯和苯乙烯主要源于工业生产活动,而二甲苯主要源于道路交通活动.该研究结果可用于预测道路雨水中BTEX污染的“热点”时段和路段,揭示受BTEX污染的雨水径流水质特性,为道路雨水回用安全提供数据和理论支持.

This study selected twenty road sites in Henggang Street of Longgang District, Shenzhen to investigate benzene series pollutants(benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene,and xylenes, BTEX)build-up characteristics on road surfaces in order to provide useful insights for ensuring urban road rainwater reuse safety. These selected road sites cover different land uses(commercial, industrial and residential), different road types(common roads and road junctions)and roads close to petrol stations. The build-up samples were collected on the selected roads using a vacuum dry-wet alternate sampling method in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively. Each sample was tested for BTEX by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer. The BTEX build-up in different seasons and road sections were compared and the effects of traffic and land use characteristics on BTEX build-up on road surfaces were investigated by using hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis. The results show that the average cumulative load of toluene is the highest, followed by o-xylene, m-xylene, ethylbenzene, styrene, p-xylene and benzene. In terms of temporal distribution, the BTEX loads are the highest in winter and the lowest in autumn. In the case of spatial distribution, the roads close to petrol stations have the highest BTEX loads while common roads and junction roads have similar load levels. In terms of source tracking, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and styrene mainly come from industrial production activities while xylenes primarily comes from traffic activities. These results can predict the temporal and spatial “hot-spots” of BTEX polluted rainwater runoff and indicate the BTEX polluted rainwater characteristics.
