
福建江夏学院工程学院, 福建福州 350108

岩土工程; 水泥土; 玄武岩纤维; 早龄期; 抗压强度; 变形模量

Strength and deformation characteristics of basalt fiber cement-soil at early age
Chen Feng

Chen FengCollege of Engineering, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian Province, P.R.China

geotechnical engineering; cement-soil; basalt fiber; early age; compressive strength; deformation modulus

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1249.2017.06611


为提高水泥土的受力性能,利用玄武岩纤维的加筋增强效果,探讨在水泥土中掺入玄武岩纤维来改善其7 d时力学性能的方法. 通过不固结不排水三轴试验,研究了早龄期玄武岩纤维水泥土的抗剪强度与变形特性. 试验结果表明,玄武岩纤维的掺入使水泥土的黏聚力有较大幅度的提高,且两者大致呈正相关关系; 应力应变曲线可分为线弹性阶段、塑性屈服阶段和峰值软化阶段等; 玄武岩纤维的掺入具有类围压作用,对水泥土强度具有明显的提高作用,且增大了其塑性变形; 拟合了不同配比的玄武岩纤维水泥土试件7 d时的变形模量与抗压强度的关系,可为实际工程提供参考.

In order to enhance the mechanics quality of cement-soil and the reinforcement effect of basalt fiber, we study the way to improve the strength of cement soil at age of 7 d by means of mixing the basalt fiber. By the undrained triaxial compression tests, the early age shear strength and deformation of basalt fiber cement-soil are studied. The results show that the incorporation of fiber greatly improves the cohesion of cement-soil. Both are roughly proportional to each other. The stress-strain curves could be divided into three stages which are linear elastic stage, plastic yield stage and peak stage of softening. The incorporation of basalt fibers has the effect of quasi confining pressure on the strength of specimens, which can obviously improve the strength of cement soil and increase its plastic deformation. Eventually we fit the relationship between the deformation modulus and compressive strength of specimens with different mixing ratio of basalt fiber and cement-soil at age of 7 d. This study provides reference for practical engineering.
