
1)中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,有机地球化学国家重点实验室,广州 510640; 2)深圳大学核技术应用研究所,深圳 518060; 3)深圳市环境监测中心站,深圳 518049

生态环境; 大气气溶胶; 多氯联苯; 类二恶英多氯联苯; 大气监测; 因子分析-多元线性回归

Source and distribution of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls in Shenzhen
Liu Guoqing1,2, Liu Dequan3, Li Zhigang3, Zhou Zhihua3, Li Jun2, and Zhang Hong2

Liu Guoqing1,2, Liu Dequan3, Li Zhigang3, Zhou Zhihua3, Li Jun2, and Zhang Hong21)State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, P.R.China2)Institute of Applied Nuclear Technology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, P.R.China3)Shenzhen Environmental Protection Monitoring Station, Shenzhen 518049, P.R.China

ecological enviroment; atmosphere aerosol; polychlorinated biphenyls; dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls; air monitoring; factor analysis-multiple linear regression(FA/MLR)

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1249.2014.04421


利用大流量主动采样器,于2010年冬、夏两季对深圳市13个点位大气多氯联苯(polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs)分别进行监测.结果显示,冬季采样期间,大气PCBs质量浓度为3.5~104.5 pg/m3,平均为29.3 pg/m3; 类二恶英PCBs(dioxin-like PCBs, dl-PCBs)的质量浓度为0.2~2.6 pg/m3,平均为1.0 pg/m3.夏季采样期间,大气PCBs质量浓度为10.7~135.7 pg/m3,平均为44.6 pg/m3; 二恶英类PCBs质量浓度为1.2~4.8 pg/m3,平均为2.2 pg/m3.深圳市大气PCBs组成以三氯代PCBs和四氯代PCBs为主,其对∑ρ(PCBs)的贡献率为73.6%~91.4%.深圳市大气PCBs主要来自PCBs产品在使用过程中的遗弃、泄露和排放,部分源自人类生产活动过程无意产生. 国产PCBs产品、进口PCBs产品和废弃物焚烧对深圳市大气PCBs的贡献分别为50%、10%和14%.

Ambient air samples were collected for the analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls by using high-volume samplers in thirteen locations in Shenzhen during January and June 2010, respectively. The results indicated that, PCBs and dioxin-like PCBs concentration were in the range of 3.5—104.5 pg/m3(average 29.3 pg/m3)and 0.2—2.6 pg/m3(average 1.0 pg/m3)during the winter sampling season, respectively. During the summer sampling season, they were in the range of 10.7—135.7 pg/m3(average 44.6 pg/m3)and 1.2—4.8 pg/m3(average 2.2 pg/m3), respectively. The PCBs were dominated by tri- and tetra-PCBs, which accounted for 73.6%—91.4% of the ∑ρ(PCBs). The sources of PCBs were mainly from the local emissions of historical-used PCBs products, and some were unintentionally-produced PCBs from solid waste incineration and other thermal processes. Results indicate that Chinese PCBs product, imported PCBs product and solid waste incinerator contribute to 50%, 10% and 14% of the total PCBs released, respectively.
