
北京跟踪与通信技术研究所,北京 100094

通信系统; 无线网络; 可靠性; 随机网络编码; 单路径路由; 前向纠错; 多路径路由

Research on reliability based on random network coding in wireless network
Song Xiaoquan, Hu Peng, and Song Fuxiao

Song Xiaoquan, Hu Peng, and Song FuxiaoBeijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, Beijing 100094, P.R.China

communication system; wireless network; reliability random network coding; single path routing; forward error correction; multipath routing

DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1249.2014.01052


指出随机网络编码与多路径路由结合是一种新的可靠性传输机制,多路径路由建立源节点到目的 节点的多条传输路径,将相同数据包沿多个路径转发,利用路径冗余提高传输可靠性.研究应用随机网络编码对数据包进行编码融合,在不同路径上传输不同的编码数据包,能解决多路径传输中的重复发送问题.数值分析表明,相比传统可靠性传输机制,网络编码与多路径传输结合能提高无线网络的传输可靠性及抗干扰性.

Random network coding based multipath routing(RNC-MR)is a novel reliable transmission mechanism. RNC-MR adopts random network coding to encode packets and transmits different coding packets on different paths. RNC-MR can eliminate duplicate packets on multiple paths. For a wireless two-hop multipath network, the source and relay nodes encode packets and forward them, and the destination receives coding packets and decodes them. Numerical analysis and simulation are done to evaluate the transmission reliability of RNC-MR. Comparing with traditional reliability transmission mechanisms, the numerical and simulation results show that RNC-MR can improve the transmission reliability and robustness of wireless networks.
